So Awesome It Makes You Wanna Cry

Posts tagged “What I’ve Been Up To

What I’ve Been Up To / Things Back To Normal (Sort Of Lol)

Hello all. It’s been a few days since my last post, but things will go back to normal this week. I took a break after E3, I beat The Last Of Us, started playing Tales Of Graces F again to finish it (Currently Playing), and also the Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Beta started up again this month. Yes, during the weekends I’ve been immersing myself in the world of A Realm Reborn and it is a wonderful game. We’re allowed to talk about the game somewhat now because the NDA was partially lifted. Anyway there are more posts coming up this week, Anime Of The Week and all. I will also get to the Summer 2013 PV Flood sometime soon since the Spring season is comign to an end. With all this said there still might be a lack of posts on the weekends though because of Final Fantasy LOL

What I’ve Been Up To

I’ve been working, watching anime, watching hentai, and playing video games XD. Well, you can blame Tales Of Graces F for most of it lol. It’s an awesome game and everyone who likes RPGs and owns a PS3 should have it =^_^=. Seriously though, the new anime starts this weekend and I will be watching them to let you know whats good, and post my picks for this season soon. Also, I’ve been working on the hentai site and there are lots of new ones if you haven’t checked there in a while lol. Posts will resume and I’ll try to make up for the lack with some good ones over the next few days. Until then, see you soon.