So Awesome It Makes You Wanna Cry

Posts tagged “Billy Mays Here

R.I.P. (Hentai Site Update!)

So yeah, I’m sorry to announce that the EpiclyAmazingHentai will not be coming back. They refuse to give it back because they said it “promotes illegal downloads of media” even though I had it running for about a year lol. I was just like blah, this sucks.

I miss my hentai site already because it was fun to post on, but this also means that I will have more time just to work on EpiclyAmazing as well so its not all bad lol. This doesn’t mean they’ve won though! I may start another site using a different backer other than WordPress, but for now I guess I will take a break on hentai until that happens.

Posts will resume normally so don’t worry about that, and I may actually get to those video game reviews now =P.

It was fun, but for now rest in peace hentai site, rest in peace.

Sorry, but pic was too funny not to use lol