So Awesome It Makes You Wanna Cry

Posts tagged “E3 2012

E3 2012 Resident Evil 6!

* Top Favorite

Resident Evil 6 just looks freakin epic. I can proudly say that this is the first Resident Evil game I’ve actually been excited for in a long while, and it is actually the game I am looking forward to most, this coming October, in the Fall.

Watch the trailer and see for yourself. Enjoy =^_^=

E3 2012 Gravity Rush!

* Favorite

Of course we already knew about Gravity Rush, but it was there at E3 2012 with its latest trailer and still looking as good as ever. Gravity Rush comes out in just 3 days on June 12th 2012. I can’t wait =^_^=

E3 2012 Devil May Cry!

* Favorite

Even though he’s not the original Dante, the game still looks awesome =^_^=

E3 2012 Dead Or Alive 5

* Favorite

Been waiting for this one for a while =^_^=

E3 2012 Soul Sacrifice

* Favorite

Another good looking game for the Vita.

E3 2012 South Park: The Stick Of Truth

Yes that’s right, a new South Park game, and it looks pretty fun lol

*Note: I’m not sure if it’s going multi-platform, but I do know that it is on the Xbox 360 for sure.

E3 2012 Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale

This looks sick! I love this trailer!

E3 2012 Beyond: Two Souls

From the makers of Heavy Rain this looks like a good story, and the main characters voice actress is Ellen Page.

E3 2012 Tomb Raider


The reboot of the series

E3 2012 Halo 4

Yup, Halo 4 lol

E3 2012 Posts Incoming!

With E3 finally over I will be posting all the E3 games and trailers I was interested in over this weekend. As I stated before, the games I probably will be getting or the ones I am most interested in will be marked with a favorites note. Look forward to some good games and trailers =)

E3 2012

Yes I have been keeping up and watching E3 this year, but I wont be posting anything on it until the event is completely over. Also I’ll just be posting the things that I thought were good, due to anyone being able to find the many places you can find all the E3 videos online, and the ones I really liked will be marked as favorites. While I wont be posting anything else on this until it’s over, I can tell you that the press conferences ranked like this, and the internet also agrees if you do the research lol:


D3 Publisers Tease E3 Annoucement

D3 Publisher is the company that publishes the Onechanbara series. Hopefully this means that they will be announcing Onechanbara Z: Kagura this year at E3. This is the logo they used for the tease, I wonder what it could mean………

Slow News Week

With our current anime season underway there isn’t really much to say until we get closer to the Summer season, and the same kinda goes for video games too. There hasn’t been that much in terms of interesting video game news either, and I believe this is due to this years E3 coming up and more announcements will be made then.