So Awesome It Makes You Wanna Cry

Posts tagged “Hyung Tae Kim

Project Eve Looks Amazing!

I didn’t think it would happen, but now I have another game to add to my most anticipated list. Introducing Project Eve. Artist Hyung-Tae Kim who worked on Magna Carta, Blade & Soul, and Destiny Child, is actually directing it.

Apparently the game takes inspiration from NieR Automata and God of War. Graphics and physics wise (dat but jiggle lol / the way the monster was moving) this looks simply astounding. Even though the plot is similar to Nier Automata, we’ll have to wait and see where they go with it. Also the music in the trailer (Loved it) HNNNNNNNG >_<

The game is being developed for Playstation 4, Xbox One, and PC. I also think its worth mentioning that the game is being developed using Unreal Engine 4. No release date or time frame, but that’s fine with me. For something like this I say they should take their time, and release it when it’s ready. (Still waiting for Code Vein as well after all =P)

Destiny Child!

Destiny Child looks amazing! I think they’ve outdone themselves this time, and I’ve never been so excited for a Mobile game lol. REALLY hope this gets translated into English. I believe the character design was done by Hyung Tae Kim who did the character designs for Blade & Soul. That’s whey the characters look so stylish. Also yes, that is Shihoko Hirata, the female singer from the Persona 4 games that you’re hearing. They got her to do the theme song for the game, and it sounds wonderful.