So Awesome It Makes You Wanna Cry

Posts tagged “Sad

I Am Setsuna Coming To North America And Europe

July 19th on PS4 and PC.

Anime Of The Week 1/23 – 1/25…….. Aldnoah Zero S2 Ep 15 & Kantai Collection Ep 3

The first Anime Of The Week of the Winter 2015 Anime season. Just three episodes into the new season and we’ve already lost people. WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD: (more…)

Anime Of The Week 10/24 – 10/26…….. Akame Ga Kill Ep 17 (Extreme Sadness Edition) * WARNING: MASSIVE SPOILER A”HEAD” * I Apologize In Advance. Lol

As sad as I am to post this, ironically it fits the horror side of Halloween. I was tempted to just post it up as is, but in keeping the pattern of being spoiler free……. WARNING: MASSIVE SPOILER A”HEAD”:



Anime Of The Week 2/14 – 2/16…….. The Pilot’s Love Song Ep 7 & Kill La Kill Ep 18

Profound sadness =(. WARNING MASSIVE SPOILERS AHEAD  (more…)

Anime Of The Week 11/1 – 11/3…….. Freezing Vibration Ep 5, Unbreakable Machine Doll Ep 5 & Valvrave The Liberator S2 Ep 4 (Ep 16)

I’ve changed anime of the week to Saturday’s because it’s easier for me this way lol. This week Freezing Vibration, Unbreakable Machine Doll & Valvrave S2 make their way here. WARNING: SLIGHT SPOILERS AHEAD (more…)

Anime Of The Week 2/8 – 2/10…….. Robotics;Notes Ep 16

This week Robotics;Notes takes Anime Of The Week alone. WARNING: Spoilers Ahead (more…)

Anime Of The Week 12/14 – 12/16………. Chuunibyou Ep 11, Sakurasou no Pet Ep 10, BTOOOM! Ep 11 & Zetsuen no Tempest Ep 11

Srry for the delay but here are the anime of the week. Short quick to the point picture edition since I was late with it  =)

This episode of Chuunibyou was sad and touching and very good as well. I can’t tell you how much I felt for Dekomori this episode.

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Sakurasou no Pet also involved deep and touching moments as well. It seems that all was put out in the open this episode, and made for a very good watch.

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In BTOOOM! the doctor shows his true colors and this lead to “exploding” results (Ha lol). Also it seems that another problem has surfaced at the end of the episode.


In Tempest a shocking revelation takes place, and another revelation right after that one. While I will not tell you what they are, I will tell you to watch the episode because it’s good lol.

Everyones shocked face lolz:

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Hentai Site Down =(

For those wondering or those who haven’t noticed, the hentai site is indeed down. I am trying to get this issue resolved, but it may take some time.

Anime Of The Week 4/27 – 4/29…….. Accel World Ep 4

Sorry for this Anime Of The Week being very late. I got caught up in playing TERA lol (Damn that game is fun) Anyhow, last weeks Anime Of The Week was Accel World because it was a very sad and touching episode. The situation going on in Accel World hits hard, so to speak, and is very serious. ALL MY HATE for the person who created this situation and for the person who is taking advantage of it too. Ever since the 1st episode of the series it has been good and has not disappointed me in any way. Believe me when I say the next episode will be a good one. I can’t wait! As good as TERA is, NOTHING can stop me from watching my anime lol. (WARNING MASSIVE SPOILER AHEAD, CLICK AT YOUR OWN RISK!) (more…)