So Awesome It Makes You Wanna Cry

Posts tagged “Hentai

What Have I Done…….

So I started making Motivational Pictures again…… lol


ME!ME!ME! Feat. Daoko / Teddyloid (My New Favorite Music Video Ever)

(The Video Was Removed From YouTube Due To Obvious Reasons, But The Video Can Still Be Found Via Link Below)

Dear Lord this video is epic! Brought to you by Studio Khara and Dwango as part of Japans Anima(tor) Expo, this video is one you don’t want to miss out on. The song is called ME! ME! ME! Feat. Daoko / Teddyloid and is just as epic as the video is. More info can be found here:

R.I.P. (Hentai Site Update!)

So yeah, I’m sorry to announce that the EpiclyAmazingHentai will not be coming back. They refuse to give it back because they said it “promotes illegal downloads of media” even though I had it running for about a year lol. I was just like blah, this sucks.

I miss my hentai site already because it was fun to post on, but this also means that I will have more time just to work on EpiclyAmazing as well so its not all bad lol. This doesn’t mean they’ve won though! I may start another site using a different backer other than WordPress, but for now I guess I will take a break on hentai until that happens.

Posts will resume normally so don’t worry about that, and I may actually get to those video game reviews now =P.

It was fun, but for now rest in peace hentai site, rest in peace.

Sorry, but pic was too funny not to use lol

Hentai Site Down =(

For those wondering or those who haven’t noticed, the hentai site is indeed down. I am trying to get this issue resolved, but it may take some time.

What I’ve Been Up To

I’ve been working, watching anime, watching hentai, and playing video games XD. Well, you can blame Tales Of Graces F for most of it lol. It’s an awesome game and everyone who likes RPGs and owns a PS3 should have it =^_^=. Seriously though, the new anime starts this weekend and I will be watching them to let you know whats good, and post my picks for this season soon. Also, I’ve been working on the hentai site and there are lots of new ones if you haven’t checked there in a while lol. Posts will resume and I’ll try to make up for the lack with some good ones over the next few days. Until then, see you soon.

Time to Liven Things Up!

Ok, I know the site has been lackinga little recently, and I want to put a stop to that. With that said, I want to share with you the things that are coming soon:

  • Winter 2012 Anime List
  • Winter 2012 Anime PVs (I’ll post as many as I can find)
  • Anime Episode Of The Week
  • Games I’m Currently Playing (This is where a lot of my time goes as well besides anime lol)
  • Weekly Discussion (Yes I would like to hear your thoughts and ideas on things if you wish to)
  • Anime I Should Watch (If I haven’t seen it already, your suggestions for anime)
  • More Video Game Reviews (Good/Bad ones lol)

I am only one person who works on both sites (EpiclyAmazingHentai) so thank you for baring with me, and I appreciate all those who visit my sites and hope that you will continue to have a good time when you do. =^_^=

Faptastic News!

The hentai site/section is up and running for all your faping needs. With that said, I bring you this: