So Awesome It Makes You Wanna Cry

Posts tagged “Ninja

Azure Will Die More Than Twice

I started playing Sekiro lol. Enjoy the first episode:

Azure Update (September 2017) / Consider The Following

I’ve been pretty quiet these first few weeks of September, but there’s a reason for that. Please,

I’ve been working on things for your entertainment. Not only music, but I want to come out with more gaming videos as well. For example, I recently purchased Destiny 2, and have already uploaded a video to YouTube. Music projects are on schedule as I have a lot to be released next month in October. Also with a lot of multiplayer games coming out in the near future I’d like to do more of what you guys would like to see and also game with you guys as well. Changes in my work schedule have also affected my time a bit, but I still aim to do what I like when I have the time. I hope you all continue to enjoy my content, and ask you be patient a little longer. Don’t worry, AzureNova isn’t going anywhere lol.

Until next time, AzureNova out.

Senran Kagura PV

*Yeah, I’ve been waiting for this one to come out. A favorite here =^_^=

*Note: All 3 PVs are different

Dead Or Alive 5 Review

Can you say best fighting game of the year? Because I can. Team Ninja has truly outdone themselves this time with their latest installment in the series, and I’m proud to say that I’m a Fighter lol.

Playing through Dead Or Alive 5 was an extremely pleasant experience. The story continues from where DOA4 left off with Kasumi pursuing Alpha152 to put and end to her. This time around however Team Ninja changed how story mode works with you playing as different characters throughout  the journey of the main story. I really liked this change as it made me feel as if I were in a giant action movie seeing things from every angle.

As most of you may know, Dead Or Alive 4 was an Xbox 360 exclusive title, but the controls are exactly the same and had the same feel to them even though this time around I was playing with the PS3 controller. All of the sustaining characters still have all of their moves and the new characters moves are easy to pick up and get used to. After playing the DOA series on both consoles I can say that it feels right at home on the PS3.

With a nice collectors edition, a good story, and fluid gameplay on and offline; Dead Or Alive 5 is one game you will not want to miss out on this year.

5 Awesome Minutes Of Senran Kagura

This was one of the best 5 minutes of my time spent ever! lol Enjoy! =P

Senran Kagura Anime!

If you don’t know what the game is like then check out the clips in the post before this one because the Senran Kagura girls are getting an anime sometime next year in 2013. They already released a trailer for it as well. Check out all the bodacious kunochi awesome! I can’t wait. =^_^=

Wikipedia – Senran Kagura

Recomendation Time!

So I finished all of Ninja Girls last night, and I loved all of it to the very end. If you like reading manga then give it a look because it was a good, fun story.

Ninja Girls

Also I’ve started watching anime that I’ve already had downloaded on my computer for a while, and finished watching Tayutama Kiss On My Deity last night which was good as well. Tayutama came out in 2009, so yes its been on my computer for 3 years just waiting to be finished lol. I just had to watch the last 4 Eps though so it wasn’t that much lol.

Tayutama Kiss On My Deity

Tayutama left me with a taste for a good romance story so even though I should be watching the first season of Horizon, I started watching Otome Youkai Zakuro or Spirit Girl Zakuro. Whichever one you like using is fine. Either way it is a good anime and I am already on episode 5 lol.

Otome Youkai Zakuro

Connecticon 2012 / Back In Business! =^_^=

Hello all, I know its been almost a week since I last posted something, but that was due to two reasons. (1) My account was suspended since the 12th for some reason and just returned to me on the 16th so I couldn’t log on to post anything, and (2) I was at Connecticon this past weekend, which was fun by the way =).

I have finally finished my collection of Ninja Girls!  I bought books 7, 8 & 9 at the convention so now I can finish the series =^_^=

I also bought a pair of Necomimi cat ears. Yes that’s right, I bought a pair. I don’t care what anyone says because they are a very cool piece of technology. I mean come on, they freakin read your brain waves and react accordingly. If that’s not amazing then I don’t know what is lol

*Yes those are C.C. (Code Geas) and Saber (Fate/Stay Night) body pillows in the background if you were wondering, and a Yoko (Gurren Lagann) one in the right of the picture even though you can’t see it that much lol

New SkullGirls PVs

SkullGirls is fighting game that I’ve been looking forward to and will be released on the PS3 & Xbox 360 sometime soon. In the meantime they released two new PVs on Valentines Day for the game. A new story trailer for arcade mode and the introduction of their newest character appropriately named Valentine.

Valentine (Sexy Ninja Nurse) =^_^=

Story trailer